Choose Quality
Smith levels are used by the most discriminating craftsmen in the building trades throughout the United States and in many nations around the world.
Smith levels are manufactured in Excelsior Springs, Missouri from the finest hardwood stock available such as Walnut and Purple Heart from Africa, Mahogany from Honduras, and select domestic woods such as Maple, Cherry and Oak.
Hardened stainless steel binding comes standard on our levels with the option to use Brass. All edging is secured every two inches with custom made nails, guaranteed not to come off.
All of the levels made by Smith Level Company are made in three and five piece tongue and groove laminations (not face glued). They are bonded together with water resistant glue and seasoned in clamps to assure straight edges and no warpage.
Strong Pyrex glass vials, with baked on enamel lines are set by hand in a non-shrinkable compound, prepared to the rigid specifications of Smith Level Company.
We manufacture standard length levels all the way from eight inches to seven feet in length, but also have the ability to make custom levels in the length of your choice.
For further information, contact us at (816) 630-0070 or email us at smithlevel@att.net.
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